Luhačovice Sound Map

8. září 2020

The sound map of Luhačovice is a travel guide that, in the format of authorial dramatised radio plays, portrays Luhačovice through stories of interesting places and personalities.

On five thematic routes, listeners may learn about the fates of personalities associated with the places described and through their stories look inside lesser-known houses, villas and cultural monuments, as well as the iconic Jurkovič buildings. They can also follow in the footsteps of Leoš Janáček or the aristocratic Serényi family.

The aim of the project is to create high-quality information and promotional material with a local history theme and to offer erudite and attractive tours of Luhačovice to both visitors and local residents.


Competition category: Multimedia
Title: Luhačovice Sound Map
Author: Magdaléna Petráková
Produkce: Český rozhlas
Language of presentation: English

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